Friday, September 20, 2013

Why Hollywood Fears Wonder Woman

So.  I was watching The Avengers, for the hundredth time; and for the hundredth time I caught myself wondering why there has't been a good movie made with a strong, powerful female superhero in the lead.  I know what you're thinking; there has been!  Catwoman and Elektra come to mind, but do we really consider those good movies?  Elektra is an amazing character, one of my all time favorites.  but let's face it, the movie version sucked.  And don't get me started on Catwoman.  That was just an excuse for some Halle Berry fanboy to show off her amazing ass and great breasts.  That may sound sexist, but so was the movie.  It was basically about Sharon Stone's freakout at growing older and finding a wrinkle.  The whole premise was preposterous and an insult to powerful women everywhere.  While I applaud Hollywood for making a quasi-attempt at these, I always find myself coming back to the same thought:  why don't they do Wonder Woman?
Yeah, I know, her origin and backstory could be tricky.  how do you handle a Goddess who was molded from clay, bought to life by the Gods, and raised on an island of immortal beautiful women, and then goes on to champion equal rights in "Man's World"?  Well, for starters, you could just borrow from the current origin story that tells us she is a daughter of Zeus.  That would work; I mean, that horny old man was nailing everything back in the day.  Who knows how many children he's dropped. But whatever you decide to do with her, it can be done.  Hell, I've got dozens of workable ideas for a live action movie, and I'm sure there are plenty of others out there that do as well.
 But I don't think that is Hollywoods problem.  I know someone like JOSS WHEDON could handle her, without resulting to having her run around half naked on a beach with other women trying to cater to teen age boys more sapphic-minded fantasies.  He cold make her what she is: strong, honest, truthful, respectful....and best of all, the most kick-ass of all the kick-asses out there.  But he, or Zack, or anyone else will probably never get that chance, because when it comes down to it, Hollywood isn't afraid they can't sell Wonder Woman.  They are afraid, the can't sell Wonder Woman.  Because what makes a great Hollywood summer action blockbuster?  Merchandising.  That's right, the toys, and action figures, and Lego this and Lego that tie ins.  And H-wood is afraid they can't pimp the Amazon out enough without looking like they are pimping her.
They can't turn her into an action figure and sell her because boys play with action figures.  but Wonder Woman wouldn't be an action figure; she'd be a doll.  God forbid little Billy down the street play with a doll; no, daddy would never have that.  Little girls may want to be her, but would they really want to play with her and Barbie together, making them share Ken?  Gross.  That isn't Wonder Woman either and H-wood knows that.  So whom do they target to make this movie a success?  I'm not sure women would go to it enough to make it a success.  I don't think men would be enough to drive it either, because unless she's naked and tied down, I'm not sure many straight men would admit to enjoying a female action star.  So who does that leave to carry her?  The DC fanboys?  But I'm not sure we're enough to persuade a studio to invest the 100 million plus it would take to do Her justice.
No.  I think we have to wait and hope for a Justice League movie.  Hopefully she will be there for more than just carrying Batman's utility belt or dancing around Superman's cape.
What are your thoughts on the Amazing Amazon?  We know it can be done, but will it ever be done?
#Wonder Woman, #Superhero, #Justice League, #Batman, #Superman

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