Sunday, March 2, 2014

New Veronica Mars!

Since Veronica MArs was the first post I ever created, it's only fitting that I now post the link to the first two minutes of the Veronica Mars movie that I can't wait to see.  I love you in everything Kristin Bell, but to me you will always be Veronica.

Its Been Awhile

Like the title says, it's been awhile.  But I'm back!  I've been working hard on my next book, and tracking some wayward ideas that have been springing up about future work.  All of that, plus an increase in business at my day job, has left me very little time to blog.  I regret that, as blogging has been a way for me to shake of the doldrums that sometimes hit when I'm writing.  I used to think that my blog posts had to be really long, impressive pieces that were well thought out and carried the weight of my author's platform.  But now, I'm rethinking that.  My posts may be shorter, but they will be about what's on my mind at the time; what I'm feeling.  My frustrations at something that may have happened around me, or just what i'm trying to accomplish at even given moment with my writing or in my personal life.  Basically, it's going to be about what is inspiring me at the moment.
What about you fellow bloggers?  Is your platform changing? Are blogs the new journals or diaries?
