Sunday, March 2, 2014

New Veronica Mars!

Since Veronica MArs was the first post I ever created, it's only fitting that I now post the link to the first two minutes of the Veronica Mars movie that I can't wait to see.  I love you in everything Kristin Bell, but to me you will always be Veronica.

Its Been Awhile

Like the title says, it's been awhile.  But I'm back!  I've been working hard on my next book, and tracking some wayward ideas that have been springing up about future work.  All of that, plus an increase in business at my day job, has left me very little time to blog.  I regret that, as blogging has been a way for me to shake of the doldrums that sometimes hit when I'm writing.  I used to think that my blog posts had to be really long, impressive pieces that were well thought out and carried the weight of my author's platform.  But now, I'm rethinking that.  My posts may be shorter, but they will be about what's on my mind at the time; what I'm feeling.  My frustrations at something that may have happened around me, or just what i'm trying to accomplish at even given moment with my writing or in my personal life.  Basically, it's going to be about what is inspiring me at the moment.
What about you fellow bloggers?  Is your platform changing? Are blogs the new journals or diaries?


Sunday, September 29, 2013

What moves you to Write?

I love to listen to Pandoras Chill/ Downtempo channel.  It never fails to set the mood for writing.  It's contemplative, mind altering, and mood expansive.  It will take you places; and for me, it boosts my writing output.  What do you listen to when writing?  Do you have a certain song that will always help you break through the vaulted writers block wall?  For me, it's Mark Farina or......Groove Amarda.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

An Introduction to The First

He flew low, just feet above the water’s surface. He wasn’t sure if their radar could pick him up, but it wasn’t worth risking. Even though their surface to air defenses posed no threat to him, it could slow him down; and right now, time was of the essence. He stayed just under the speed of sound, not wanting to trigger the high velocity speed sensors placed on buoys that bobbed intermittently on the ocean's surface. Even still, the water split, rising in twin walls, and pulled upward in the wake of his passing. He pitched his hearing towards his objective, and could hear the increase in the pitch of the voices. The tightening of the vocal cords, and their rapid-fire heartbeats told him that he was running out of time. He would have to risk the attention of their defenses if he was going to make it on time.
With little effort, The First accelerated, blasting past the sound barrier and arching higher into the air. The shoreline was in view, and again he accelerated, hoping that he would be past whatever defenses they might have before they could lock onto him. He heard the air raid sirens blast in the distance, triggering their anti-aircraft weapons. The air around him lit up as tracer fire and flares marked his location. He heard the hypersonic scream of air being split, and felt the pressure wave ahead of the first artillery shell that struck him in the chest. At least in the air he didn’t have to worry about controlling the deflection of it, steering the debris so that it would not hit innocent bystanders. Instead he just let the mortar hit him and explode harmlessly.
He instantly marked the half buried turret that had fired on him, but rather than advance on it, he spun in mid air, his hearing detecting the sounds of approaching jets. The surface to air attack had been meant to keep him busy while the fighters approached from behind, hoping to take him out unaware. He accelerated through the air towards the first fighter, banking left at the last minute as the jet rolled right. He glanced back to track which way it would come at him again, when he realized that the second fighter had taken the opportunity to get a lock on him from his right side and was firing. The atmosphere around him crackled as twin barrel twenty-three millimeter cannons strafed him. Armor piercing, three hundred and twenty gram rounds hit him at over three thousand rounds per minute.
Despite himself, he flinched as the shells bounced off his skin. He turned in the air and accelerated away from the first jet. He listened for the roar of the turbines as the plane accelerated to keep pace with him. He let the craft draw closer and waited until it once again began to lock onto him. Before another barrage of rounds could be unleashed on him, he turned in mid air to face the craft. Flying backwards, he slowed his pace and let the jet fly into him. It was a Jian-10 fighter; designed for air-to-air and air-to-ground fighting. But most of all, it was designed for speed; a flattened silhouette, and extreme aerodynamic profile gave it the ability to achieve supersonic speeds. Unfortunately, the long, sleek nose cone ended in an antennae shaped projectile that easily fit under The First’s powerful arms. As the second jet shot passed them, it looked like The First had simply grabbed the one billion dollar fighter in mid air; much like a rodeo cowboy would wrangle a steer to the ground.
Inertia caused the plane to begin to crumple and tear itself apart as its forward thrust came to a stop. He ripped the nose unit from the body of the now shattered craft, and tore it into two pieces. He turned, spotting the now banking second jet just as the wreckage became a giant fireball around him, and hurled one of the metallic pieces at the circling jet. With the same fluid motion, he swung around and hurled the second piece of the plane at the ground. One piece of shrapnel tore through the second fighter plane, shearing through it like tissue paper. The second hit the base turret with the force of an MX missile, tearing through layers of concrete and steel to destroy the targeting system that ran the ground to air weapons array that had first attacked him.
He sped on, streaking towards his destination. Five miles, and barely seconds later, he zeroed in on what appeared to be a desolate area of desert just outside of large shantytown that was built at the base of a mountain. He dropped from the sky feet first, his landing sending a tremor through the ramshackle constructs that passed for houses. A few children that were kicking a ball in a nearby field stopped to gawk at the imposing figure that fell from the sky.
The First had landed straddling a hatch that had been spray painted the color of the ground around it. Roughly five feet in diameter, there was a circular, iron wheel attached to it that controlled the locking mechanism. He had spotted the imposing brown tank that had rolled up to within fifty feet of the hidden entrance from the air. It would present no threat to him, and he had intended to ignore it, but he realized that while it posed no threat to him, the same could not be said for the throng of children that were now gathering to stare in his direction. He heard the rumbling of the big engines that powered the tank, and the distinctive metal on metal grinding of the cannon swinging around to target him.
The first shot was a direct hit, striking him in his back as he bent to grab the wheel that was bolted onto the latch. The explosion was deafening and he could hear the children scream and begin to run in all directions. He grasped the top of the latch with both hands and wrenched it free from the ground. He held the steel lid in his hands as he turned to face the tank. As casually as one of the children might toss a Frisbee, he threw it at the tank. The lid struck the opening of the cannon, splitting it into pieces as it burrowed through the front of the tank and drove the entire machine backwards and into the ground.
Just as the lid was impacting the tank, The First was already deep within the underground structure, the terror filled voices drawing him to the center of the hidden construct. A two feet thick steel door crashed open under his fist and he walked into the central control room. Ten sets of eyes stared at him, their fear turning to awe.
“Where is it,” he said in perfect Farsi.
No one moved, until a single scientist stepped forward, his hand shaking as he pointed to a grey and black metallic box, about four cubic feet in size.
“What is it,” The First asked.
“It’s an RDD. A Radiological Dispersal Device. A dirty bomb.” Still, none of the other scientists in the room had spoken or moved. “When we realized what it was, that it was armed, we brought it down here, but it won’t matter. From what we can tell, the explosive device inside is only designed to propel the radioactive isotopes inside into the air. The ventilation system in this control area will automatically vent the contaminant outside into the atmosphere. It will
“Shut up you fool!” One of the other scientist had found his voice and rushed over to the where they stood looking at the bomb. “This is an agent of the Americans! We will be put to death for even speaking to him
“I don’t care,” said the first scientist. “We are dead anyway. When this thing explodes, everyone within twenty-five miles will die a very slow and agonizing death! If he can stop it
“I can’t,” said The First. “How long before the detonation?”
The two scientists looked at one another, before the second finally shook his head and moved away, a look of sadness and acceptance flooding his face. He looked at his watch, and laughed. “Just inside of one minute.”
The first scientist swallowed hard and turned to The First. “It wasn’t supposed to be live. I don’t know how it became armed
He was cut off as the First stepped forward and picked the box up, and leaped skyward. He flew straight up, blasting effortlessly through tons of concrete and steel that separated the bunker from the outside. He powered through the earth and into the open, accelerating on contact with the air. The sonic boom and scorched air were all that marked his passing. In the blink of an eye he achieved escaper velocity, and within the span of a couple of human heartbeats, he was at the Earth’s upper atmosphere. There he paused his ascent, drawing back one heavily muscled arm to throw the box as hard and as far as he could. It instantly disappeared into the heavens, but he watched it until he saw the detonation, far away from the earth, where the vacuum of space absorbed the radiation, gently scattering it along the solar winds.
The First turned and flew back towards Earth, gently altering his trajectory to take him back to the United States, no longer concerned with the actions of a few madmen bent on genocide. He was confident his latest display would give them something to think about before they again tried perfecting their weapons on their own people.
The underground Bunker was quiet. The ten scientists that had been cowering in fear were all dead. They had been lined up single file against the wall, and shot through the left eye at point blank range.
A tall, older man, with striking white hair stood in the center of the room. He cradled a laptop in one outstretched arm that worked hard to download the data from the array of sensors that were hidden throughout the complex. Two guards stood at attention by the entry, eyes fixed on the thin figure in the room.
“Well that was a mess,” came a voice over the Bluetooth earpiece the man wore in one ear. “Those scientists were some of your brightest. Was it really necessary to waste such talent?”
“They were more than expendable,” he replied.
“Well, at least we know the alien is working with the American government somehow. They are controlling him. But other than that, we have nothing to show for six weeks of research and development. Those isotopes were not cheap you know.”

Oh, I wouldn’t say it was a failure,” said the old man. He smiled as he walked over to where the dirty bomb had been sitting. He looked up at the hole made by The First as he had flown out. Metal and rock shrapnel had rained down onto the spot where he stood. He bent over and picked up a piece of razor sharp alloy. He lifted it carefully and held it up the light. A single drop of blackish fluid was contained on the tip of it. “I wouldn’t say it was a failure at all.”

Back to Basics for American Horror Story?

Here's a picture of the new American Horror Story: Covens poster.  I can't tell you how excited I am for the return of this amazing show.  I'm even more excited that this season will deal with the oldest, and most endearing of the supernaturals: witches.  Vampires and werewolves may be coming to the end of their cycle.  While some might say that zombies are the new vampires, I personally will always rank witches at the top of my list for favorite, supernatural characters.  They've been around in literature for centuries, and there is a reason they endure.  They are the originators of things that go bump in the night, and can't wait to see what AHS does to this classic.,  Count me all in.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Why Hollywood Fears Wonder Woman

So.  I was watching The Avengers, for the hundredth time; and for the hundredth time I caught myself wondering why there has't been a good movie made with a strong, powerful female superhero in the lead.  I know what you're thinking; there has been!  Catwoman and Elektra come to mind, but do we really consider those good movies?  Elektra is an amazing character, one of my all time favorites.  but let's face it, the movie version sucked.  And don't get me started on Catwoman.  That was just an excuse for some Halle Berry fanboy to show off her amazing ass and great breasts.  That may sound sexist, but so was the movie.  It was basically about Sharon Stone's freakout at growing older and finding a wrinkle.  The whole premise was preposterous and an insult to powerful women everywhere.  While I applaud Hollywood for making a quasi-attempt at these, I always find myself coming back to the same thought:  why don't they do Wonder Woman?
Yeah, I know, her origin and backstory could be tricky.  how do you handle a Goddess who was molded from clay, bought to life by the Gods, and raised on an island of immortal beautiful women, and then goes on to champion equal rights in "Man's World"?  Well, for starters, you could just borrow from the current origin story that tells us she is a daughter of Zeus.  That would work; I mean, that horny old man was nailing everything back in the day.  Who knows how many children he's dropped. But whatever you decide to do with her, it can be done.  Hell, I've got dozens of workable ideas for a live action movie, and I'm sure there are plenty of others out there that do as well.
 But I don't think that is Hollywoods problem.  I know someone like JOSS WHEDON could handle her, without resulting to having her run around half naked on a beach with other women trying to cater to teen age boys more sapphic-minded fantasies.  He cold make her what she is: strong, honest, truthful, respectful....and best of all, the most kick-ass of all the kick-asses out there.  But he, or Zack, or anyone else will probably never get that chance, because when it comes down to it, Hollywood isn't afraid they can't sell Wonder Woman.  They are afraid, the can't sell Wonder Woman.  Because what makes a great Hollywood summer action blockbuster?  Merchandising.  That's right, the toys, and action figures, and Lego this and Lego that tie ins.  And H-wood is afraid they can't pimp the Amazon out enough without looking like they are pimping her.
They can't turn her into an action figure and sell her because boys play with action figures.  but Wonder Woman wouldn't be an action figure; she'd be a doll.  God forbid little Billy down the street play with a doll; no, daddy would never have that.  Little girls may want to be her, but would they really want to play with her and Barbie together, making them share Ken?  Gross.  That isn't Wonder Woman either and H-wood knows that.  So whom do they target to make this movie a success?  I'm not sure women would go to it enough to make it a success.  I don't think men would be enough to drive it either, because unless she's naked and tied down, I'm not sure many straight men would admit to enjoying a female action star.  So who does that leave to carry her?  The DC fanboys?  But I'm not sure we're enough to persuade a studio to invest the 100 million plus it would take to do Her justice.
No.  I think we have to wait and hope for a Justice League movie.  Hopefully she will be there for more than just carrying Batman's utility belt or dancing around Superman's cape.
What are your thoughts on the Amazing Amazon?  We know it can be done, but will it ever be done?
#Wonder Woman, #Superhero, #Justice League, #Batman, #Superman

Friday, September 6, 2013

Smashwords announces agreement with Oyster

Smashwords has announced a new distribution deal with Oyster, a subscription service for eBooks.  Oyster is offering an all you can eat, er, read service for $9.99 per month.  By signing a distribution deal with them, Smashwords can now ship their titles to Oyster as a part of Oyster's library.  Basically, this is Smashwords answer to Amazon's KDP Select program, which allows Amazon's Prime members to download and read a book for free.  Smashwords will allow any author to opt in or out of the program, and while they have not released the compensation structure for authors, Smashwords founder Mark Coker states that it will be beneficial to indie authors.  One big difference between this and Select will be that Oyster does not require exclusivity.  You can opt in to the model and continue to sell your books on whatever other sites you are currently using.  The only caveat for entrance into Oyster is that your Smashwords book be in their Prime catalogue.
Personally, I have mixed thoughts on the subject.  One of the things about Amazon that made me shy away from Select, was the exclusivity agreement.  I want to get my work in front of as many eyes as possible, and while Amazon may be a Juggernaut, they aren't the only game in town.  Plus, let's face it, their shelves are packed lately, and getting seen in their store is getting harder and harder.  I'm still a firm believer in the adage that if you write a good story, the readers will find you.  But spreading your work out to as many distributers as possible can only help.  Plus, I've heard many authors complain that their sales began to tank the minute that Select was created.  Why would someone pay full price for a book if they can find something else on Select for free?
If the author compensation is as good as Coker is saying it will be, then why not take advantage of it?  Especially if the deal comes with the equivalent push of exposure and marketing that Select members receive from Amazon.  Just like with internet radio and Netflix, it appears that subscription services are trending, and we as authors need to get on board with the new model and figure out a way to make it work, or we start swimming against the current and drown.  Coker is stating that 72 hours prior to the implementation of distribution, he will email all current authors in the Smashwords library to detail the payment structure.  That gives me some time to think; but in all honesty, what is there to think about?  Time to get cracking on the next novel.  As always, looks like the more quality content you produce, the better off you are going to be.  Sound off below, what are your thoughts on going free?